• 假偶天成 电影版



    这部电影将是一个“完整版”,浓缩了首季13集及5集特别篇,再加入了新片段制作而成。 在这个版本中,我们将在一些场景中看到更多萨拉瓦特的观点,比如他们第一次见面背后的故事,以及他为什么说:“继续那样看着我,我会吻到你倒下。” 还会有“隐藏场景”,这是为了把故事捆绑在一起而拍摄的新场景。 他们还将制作新的OST。结局会和系列不同。 The movie is gonna be a "Complete Edition" by combining 2gethe新浪聊天室怎么进r The series & Still 2gether. In this version, we will get to see more of Sarawat's point of view on some scenes, such as the story behind their first meeting and the reason why he said: "Keep looking at me like that and I will kiss till you drop." There will also be "Hidden Scene", which are the new scenes that were filmed to bind the story together. They will also make a new OST. And the end is gonna be different from the series.

  • 连体阴



      从泰国移民到韩国的萍(Marsha Wattanapanich 饰)与丈夫伟(Vittaya Wasukraipaisan 饰)过着幸福无忧的生活,就在她生日当天,一通越洋电话改变了她的生活走向。由于妈妈身患重纲手h漫病,萍和伟匆忙赶回泰国,而这也勾起她关于童年过往的回忆。萍出生时还有一个连体姐妹派,由于分离手术失败,派从此殒命,而这也成为萍心中永远的心结。当她踏上故乡的土地,种种离奇诡异的现象接连出现,似乎死去已久的派重新回到萍的身边。而在这一过程中,姐妹俩之间隐藏至一个人看的视频观看免费观看深的秘密也渐渐浮出水面……  本片荣获2007年奥斯汀奇幻电影节评委会特别奖最佳导演奖;2007年惊叫电影节最佳摄影、最佳导演、最佳剪辑奖;2008年泰国国家电影协会最佳女主角(Marsha Wattanapanic醉玲珑番外之玲珑醉梦 电视剧h 饰)和最佳原创歌曲奖。

  • 难忘之夜/不小心变成黑帮老大的男人



    讲述了一个黑帮老大遇到一个伤心男孩的故事 金姆需要有人拥抱他的身体一个晚上。这是唯一一个知道你真正需求是什么的夜晚。这也是唯一一个让黑帮老大“卡莫尔”不想让金姆属于任何人的夜晚。 金姆,一个25岁的上班族,已经和他的学长戴一见钟情很久了。为了忘掉他继续生活,他决定和一个在酒吧遇到的陌生人发生一夜情。他不知道的是,这个陌生人会开始喜欢他到无可挽回的地步。 卡莫尔,一个30岁的黑道,在床上有一些特殊的需求,所以他不断地更换伴侣,但没有人能够满足他。一天晚上,他遇到了金姆,金姆完美地满足了他的需求。就在这时,卡莫尔决定把这个人变成自己的,并开始追求他。~~改编自网络小说《黑手党的坏爱情》(ร้ายนักนะ...รักของมาเฟีย!!) Kim needed someone to embrace his body for just one night. It's the only night to know what your true needs are. And it was the only night that made the mafia "Kamol" not want to let Kim belong to anyone Kim, a 25 year old office worker, has been in one sided love with his senior, Day, for a a long time. To forget about him and move on, he decides to have one night stand with a random stranger he met at the bar. Wh宝贝腿打开我进不去at he didn't know was the stranger would start liking him to the point of no return. Kamol, a 30 year old mafia, has some special needs in bed and so he keeps switching partners but no one is able to satisfy him. One night he meets Kim, who perfectly meets his needs. Right at that moment, Kamol decided to make the man his own and starts pursuing him. ~~ Adapted from the web novel "Mafia's Bad Love" (ร้ายนักนะ...รักของมาเฟีย!!) by Yoe Nim (ยอนิม). Edit Translation

  • 鬼布传说


    一千年前在布利,朝朗让斯曼安排一场纺织比赛来挑选妻子,他朝朗登上王位。在展示纺织品的那一天,Nakhon Pha Ngam的Anyanang Homnuan就在纺织完成之前被勒死。凶手留下的只是她喉咙周围的丝痕。一千年后,鬼迷阿奇是头一个在线捉鬼项目。他邀请了一群朋友杨在,班班和朱尼尔到清迈制作这部剧。他对他的曾祖母撒谎说他只是来参观的,但她对此表示怀疑,并警告他不要进入储藏室。然而,她的话产生了相反的效果,阿奇走进房间,在那里他发现了一小块古老的布。当他与它接触时,Anyanang Homnuan的灵魂出现了,并告诉他,触摸这块布的人必须在最近中文字幕2019高清三天内找到杀害她的凶手,否则就会灭亡。阿奇和他的朋友们必须一起解决这个问题,以挽救他的生命。 One thousand years ago in Wiang Chai Chet Buri, Chao Luang Rangsiman arranges a weaving competition to select a wife, his Chao Nang Luang on the throne. On the day the textiles are to be presented, Anyanang Homnuan of Nakhon Pha Ngam is strangled to death just before the weaving is finished. All the killer left behind was the silk mark around her throat. One thousand years later, ghost-enthusiast Achi is head of an online ghost-hunting program. He invites a team of friends Young远征军电影 Jae, Bambam, and Junior to Chiang Mai to make the show. He lies to his great-grandmother that he's come just for a visit, but she's doubtful and warns him not to enter the storage room. Her words have the opposite of their intended effect, though, and Achi enters the room where he finds a small, ancient bit of cloth. When he makes contact with it, the spirit of Anyanang Homnuan emerges and tells him that those who touch the cloth must find her killer within th人间大炮ree days or perish. Achi and his friends must come together to solve the quest in order to save his life.

  • 曼谷之恋



    《曼谷之恋》是泰国第一部于影院上映的同性恋电影,并同时作为2007年11月22日-12月2日在香港举办的同志影展第18年的开幕影片。 云(Rattanabalang Toesawad 饰)是百变大咖秀20120920个冷酷无情的杀手,除了妈妈与唯一的弟弟雾以杀人为目标过日子的他,从没奢望过任何感情,也从来没爱过谁。他的暗杀目标石(Chaiwa11度青春之老男孩t Thongsang 饰)是一个富有又英俊的警察,生活舒适还有个美丽的女朋友,看似美满的生活仍让他觉得生命中好像缺了一样很重要的东西。本来该杀了石的云,不知为何却下不了手,反而让两人都成了黑道追杀的目标。躲避的过程中,云淘词为了保护石而受了重伤,在石细心的照顾下渐渐复原,而超越友谊的情愫也在两人心中滋长。面对这份陌生的同性之爱,犹豫不已的云选择了逃避,而热情执著的石坚守这自己的感情。最终他们会如何面对自己心中的情感?

  • 嘻哈僧侣2



  • 嘻哈僧侣3



    Noi is a rock star who starts to feel bore within materialistic Thai society. He eventually finds the path to tranquility and peace by entering the monkhood. Now Noi is a young, self-confident, and stubborn monk who has to de山2迅雷下载al with many hilarious situations with his new companions. It seems like Noi can't really escape from his confusing rock star world after all.

  • 雷霆之爱/我的触电情人




  • 调皮蛋



    Set in between two high schools, the宠物小精灵 bw students and teachers always fight and compete. They couldn't build the friendship among each other, so the teachers gather the students to play music. It&2012国语在线看免费观看剧情amp;#39;s like a miracle when music can heal the conflict of the two high schools, and they finally endorse t无锡富二代he friendship.

  • 妖气冲天



    为了传统火箭节,女主Mo(Nutticha Namwong 饰)与升天组合【成员分别有Te Te(Sangkom Kamsamrong 饰),Pom(Jetsada Somsri 饰),Maew(Biggy Carey 饰),Noi(Yannadech Prachu国产三级在线观看免费mrak 饰)人妖四人】齐聚在村子里认真排练民舞,因为这是她们村第一次代表她们县去府里参加火箭节的民舞评比,所以是她们一生中期待已久的活动。但出乎意料的事发生了,当大名鼎鼎的火箭集团的Thep老板,利用职务之便、半强制地去求县长派他女儿阿芳的舞队代替Mo的村子去参加比赛。比赛规则是,每个县只能派一支队伍去参加民族舞比赛。这次节日的比赛,Mo的村子只能把该名额让给Thep老板他们。被捷足先登后,Mo就觉得该做点什么,对Thep老板的报仇计划就在脑海里闪现了,Mo就邀请升天组合成员一起做火箭去比赛,以牙还牙报复Thep老板。Mo请求刚从Thep的集团里辞职的男朋友Nan(Thitiwut Warun 饰)帮忙,他本该是人们眼中火箭事业前途无量的小伙子。但Nan硬要答应Thep老板以后不再跟任何人联盟做火箭。Mo因他不帮自己而感到委屈。而Mo跟升天组合还没有绝望,去求助Wai大伯(Dao Bandon 饰),一个被世人遗忘的火箭大师。于是一个动荡又玩笑的故事开始迸发……节日火箭比赛上,Mo与升天组合到底能否赢了羽田爱全集Thep老板?

  • 我的时髦公主之灰姑娘篇



    我的野蛮公okoo主 灰黑道特种兵1662姑娘篇

  • 野兽的爱火




  • 魔虫禁区



    "The One Hundred" tells the story of a young woman who has just returned from a foreign country. She has to stay at a hotel to quarantine, but then suddenly comes across a monster th最好的我们 小说at can change its shape in a variety of ways, according to the individual that this monster possesses. The concept of the story was in金玉良缘spired by the story of Battambang which was told during the reign of King Rama V.

  • 珍妮的白天与黑夜



    热爱竞争的建筑学大一学生Jenkhwan和好朋友Pod打赌输了。因此,Jenkhwan在高中毕业典礼上必须打扮成女人。一次偶然的机会,Jenkhwan从一个醉汉手中救了comm ar789色ts freshy Pin。Jenkhwan很快就喜欢上了她,但两人在互相了解之前就分开了。然而, 命运在令人困惑的情况下让他们再次好妈妈5电影BD高清在线观看相遇:Jenkhwan的名字出现在女孩们的名字上宿舍名单和他的室友不是别人,正是针。起初,Jenkhwan打算把事情搞清楚,把他的名字移到男生宿舍名单上。然后波德提出一个新的赌注;他认为Jenkhwan没方正金鼎有成功击中Pin的机会。作为一个从不投降的人,Jenkhwan的下一步是成为Jenny,并在女生宿舍占据他的位置。

  • Real Fake



    Viu Original制作上线 about “Gob” a young tourist police who becomes famous in social as a representative of TAT, tries to chase the counterfeit gangster which runs by “Real” a charming, wit独立日2高清完整版ty girl from orphaned home. One day, she finds a mysterious bag contains millions of US cash that leads her to become involved in a counterfeit money trade. Will “Gob” help “Real” for real or just to impress the social fake life? Who’s real and who’s fake? This could end up with love or loss, one way or another.

  • 逐月之月 第三季



    就在昨天《逐月之月》第二季的演员们也在曼谷举行了见面会,之前一直传闻的第三季也在见面会结尾的时候正式宣布《逐月之月》会出第三季的消息,之后大家只需要一起等待第三季的到来了! 如果是第一季的原班该有多好。我只能做梦了就因为不是原班人马我女主重生变娇媚体制都没看2哈哈哈看第二季开局重演一遍我真的被雷焦,还没对演员谈得上有什么印象就先想弃了,第二季我没有逃过真香定律,个人觉得不尬而且越看越好看,演技不说最主漂亮妈妈3手机在线观看要的是cp感强有化学反应,第一季是颜值好看但是作为一个资深很多部分都让我有尬尬的感觉,而且第二的演员真的都越看越好看各有特色。第一季你们再怎么说第三季也只会是第二季的人来演啦 第一季的姐姐们就不要在跳脚啦何必呢,还期待换回去的人不知道怎么想的哦大商道 电视剧[太开心]已经说过了第三季继续第二季的人选啦,别想啦[太开心]第二季都没看你期待第三季有什么用呢?(http://www.rrzxys.com/)

  • 顽皮鬼



      Three X drag Queens put all their savings into buying an apartment block as an investment. But t一生一世电视剧全集在线观看he business venture turns into a disaster when a dead body is found is in the building. The ha蚂蚁庄园11月2日答案最新unting from the mad ghost leaves all the residents terrified, and they understandably want to leave. The threesome have to find the way to persuade their residents not to leave, to save the day, and their春宫心 money!

  • 顽皮鬼2



      Three companions are frightened by a horrible ghost that haunts their dorm. Tired of running away, they summon a spirit to help them defeat the ghost. But things turn chaos when they can't control and handle 韩国电影年轻的母亲4线播放视频the situation which finally brings up a hilarious haunting story.

  • 顽皮鬼4



      At a haunted apartment block populated mostly by ladyboys and cross-dr我爱你 爱乐讯essers, Taew opens a new apartment but soon someone c哥布林洞窟3腐剧网ommits suicide in a room - or maybe its murder. That is the start of crazy and韩剧网最新韩国电视剧全集 funny haunting incidents and scenes involving a lot of people running away from pursuing ghosts.

  • 顽皮鬼3




  • 顽皮鬼5



      导演天伦 电视剧IG @poj_arn新少林寺票房on

  • 开球:高尔夫女王



      这部传记片讲述了职业高尔夫球手艾莉雅·茱塔努冈如何一步步踏入 优优人体艺术LGPA 巡回赛,记录了她从天才少女成长为世界排名第一球手的历程。

  • 鬼屋



      吉姆(杰姆斯·赫伯特 James Hebert 饰)和朱莉(丝柯·泰勒-考普顿 Scout 吃亏是福演员表Taylor-Compton 饰)是一对交往多年的情侣,某日,两人结伴前往泰国旅游,想好好的享受享受这里的异域风情。哪知道,一群邪恶的观光客将两人哄骗到了一片墓地之中,在那里,他们拿走了朱莉的衣物,将它们作为媒介召唤睁开你的双眼出了可怕的女鬼,女鬼一路追杀吉姆和朱莉,所到之处无不是一片尸横遍野的惨状。  留给朱莉的时间不多了,三天后,如果朱莉无法解除自己身上的诅咒,那么她的灵魂将永远的被女鬼带走。为了挽救女友的性命,吉姆开始奔走,在调查的过程中,一些黑暗而又血腥的秘密渐渐浮出了水面。

  • 尸约



      1997年,亚洲金融危机如同暴风雨一般席卷各国,公司倒闭已成寻常,老板富贾逃亡娱乐圈之重生克隆人自杀,普通民众的生活愈加困苦。富家女孩布姆(Thunyaphat Pattarateerachaicharoen 饰)父亲所盖的大楼最终烂尾,遭到父亲家暴后,万念俱灰的布姆和伊布(Panisara Rikulsurakan 饰)相约自杀。阴差阳错,贝尔去往另一个世界,布姆则苟活人间。  时光流转,20年后的布姆(楠迪·宗拉维东方华尔街蒙 Namthip Jongrachatawiboon 饰)已成为小有名气的房地产企业家。某天,她带着女儿贝尔(安比查雅•松可寒 Apichaya Thongkham 饰)再次来到当年和朋友自杀的烂尾楼。顽皮的贝尔四处游荡,捡到了母亲当初和伊布沟通的BP机。殊不知,一个孤独的灵魂已在此等候多年,只为了践行未完的承诺……

  • 嚎笑捉鬼队



      A strange case occurred in the village of Thung Mha, howling far away. As a result, the government decided to send a skilled police officer, Suchatorn Division, to investigate. Although not very willing with this trip Because the rumors that arose were related to ghosts But the Phatthalung division was obliged to agree to accept Because the superiors are superiors Subm易园侍女itting an ultimatum in this work, with the young man Bum Geum stalking the servants in the house of Mom Bang, who is a resident of that area. Volunteer to be a helper and guide Give to travel willingly Because wanting to go back to the young woman who once secretly loves Eh Eung A journey to find out the truth in a strange case that occurred at seven dogs in a small village. It looks quiet from the outside. But the atmosphere at night returned to be lonely, too scary to say And both meet with Luang Phi Kaew, a senior monk who secretly has many good things concealed within the 3 people Began to join forces to find out exactly what exactly happened here. By beginning by going to E-hung's house to inquire about various matters That occurred within the village. Including the rumors that people accuse Lee Woong of being ghouls, even though he deeply regrets that新熊出没动画片全集 the person that Lee Woong has chosen to live with is Geum's childhood friend Bak, but the return Come to the field of howling dogs this time He secretly hoped to reconnect with the girl who secretly loved better. Because there is news that Bugs mid died in government service While investigating the truth about the case, Luang Phi Kheo, Moonsatorn and Bakkum are faced with many problems and obstacles, such as the influences of Ko village and their reliant on Tek Tek. With horror and news of ghouls that are constantly rampaging, probably have to come and see what Luang Phi Kaew will have to use to defeat ghosts And will the lieutenant and our assistant captain survive? With all the problems and obstacles, such as the influences of Ko village and his reliant on Tek, along with the horror and news of ghouls that are constantly rampaging, they must Come to hope that Luang Phi Kaew will have something good to use to defeat ghosts And can the lieutenant and our assistant lieutenants survive?

  • 邻家女孩



      德(卡维·丹扎拉岚 Kavee Ta非梦客服njararak 饰)是电台《寂寞在线》的主理人,从小就失去了父母的他和爷爷过着相依为命的生活。某日,一位名叫洁(宝拉·泰勒 Paula Taylor 饰)的女孩闯入了他的生活,但这并非什么浪漫故事的开端。洁的个性非常泼辣,生活不拘小节,处处惹德烦,给他找了不少的麻烦,德和洁之间的每次见面都火药味颇浓。  洁的男友因为受不了她暴躁的性格,最终提出了和她分手,这让洁深受打击,陷入了无尽的痛苦之中。洁的好友艾玛不忍心看到洁如此颓废的样子,于是帮她报名参加了《寂寞在线》举办的一李幼斌最新电视剧个情感类活动。

  • 天生拳霸



      故事讲述一群身手不凡的国家运动员启程去一个穷村落扶贫,那儿有一帮混蛋直播 2020 开学第一课 回放欺善怕恶鱼肉乡里,这几个运动员的到来以及他们手上的金钱正是这群混蛋们觊觎的对象,于是,这群武艺高强的运动员就赤手空拳与这群有枪的坏蛋们展开殊死拼搏。他们当中有足球运动员、国子监来了个女弟子 电视剧体操运动员、田径运动员,泰拳+高难度体育项目、创意十足!

  • 面具舞者




  • 高校最后的军事教练



      Khao Chon Kai is a military training camp where Thai boys will face the challenge同桌的你种子 of the training during their senior year of high school. A group of boys meet at the camp and begin their training together, encountering many obstacles during the r照片二三事igorous training regimines. Despite the hardships, they discover that friendship and true friends are the most precious thin波多野结衣迅雷种子gs they've found in Khao Chon Kai.

  • 阴地



      经过长达14年的努力,阿提非缘勿扰电视剧大结局终于在清迈远郊的拉达乐园购买了一幢属于自己的房子。他事必躬亲打理房中的一切,满心欢喜等待妻子小斑和女儿小楠、儿子纳特从曼谷到来。正处在青春期的小楠被迫和好朋友以及一直照料自己的外婆分别,因此心中愤愤不平,对父亲时常语带讥讽。与此同时,阿提一家的快乐喜悦也并未持续多久。某天,同小区一户人家,警方发现缅甸籍女佣被人杀害,并藏尸冰箱之中。这一恶性事件令拉达乐园内人心惶惶,小斑更是充满不若姜祥的预感。虽然勉强支撑,但是阿提也不可避免地被一些灵异事件所困扰。  某日,阿提不幸失业,巨大的生活压力令他透不过气来,而周边发生的各种不祥事件也让他几近崩溃……







