- 10.0HD中字
简介: George Tracy and Charlie Sorel, both thirty-six years of age, are writers - a Paris novelist and Hollywood screenwriter, respectively - best friends, and partners in crime in skirt chasing. Charlie is shot dead aboard a yacht during a party by filmmaker Sir Leopold Sartori after he catches Charlie fooling around with his wife, Rusty, Charlie's body which falls overboard and which is not found. Sartori's act is despite he being a notorious womanizer himself. Charlie's sparsely attended funeral service, at which George provides the eulogy, demonstrates how Charlie's womanizing ways negatively affected his so called friendships. Staying at Charlie's Malibu beach house, George meets a beautiful young woman who seems to be suffering from amnesia, but is drawn to Charlie's house. George initially believes she is one of Charlie's conquests, but she eventually comes to the realization and is able to convince George that she is Charlie reincarnated. George ultimately believes it is God's divine retribution for Charlie to come back as an object of his own derision. But together and individually, George and Charlie have to devise a way for Charlie to live in this new female body, George who has no money to support Charlie, and Charlie's estate which is bankrupt. In addition, Charlie, who has always been a player, figures that she should be able to capitalize on her new womanhood, which includes using knowledge of her former indiscretions as a man, and getting back at Sir Leo. But she may also be able to eke out a lucrative life as she becomes the object of affection of wealthy momma's boy, Bruce Minton III.
- 5.0HD中字
露西·海尔,莫妮卡·波特,达斯汀·米利甘,弗朗西斯卡·伊斯特伍德,凯尔·吉克瑞斯特,瑞斯·考罗,吉姆·加菲根,莱斯莉·斯特拉顿,埃梅丽娜·亚当斯,杰·费罗尔,小伊萨克·C.辛格尔顿,克拉拉·麦克格雷格,迪伦·弗拉施纳,吉姆·克洛克,特里斯坦·汤普森,米凯拉·萨斯纳,Lisa Yaro,米歇尔·法拉·黄,Annie Abbott,Sky Liam
简介: Follows Mort who discovers he has less than a year to live, and after his fiancé leaves him, he meets Kate in a dating service that matches people by their death dates, all while being stalked by a disturbed pimp.
- 10.0HD中字
Ziad Abaza
简介: 英国滨海小镇的夜店街,萨拉与父亲经营着沙威玛烤肉店,顾客寥寥无几,而他们不是準备准备去买醉就是已经喝茫的酒客,萨拉日復一日地忍耐著街头传来的呕吐、性爱与打斗声,百无聊赖的腐烂日常,在父亲意外身亡的那晚全变了调。 警察的冷漠处置、顾客的歧视辱骂、永无止尽的疯狂混乱,逐渐让萨拉忍无可忍。当他失手将奥客一头推入薯条油锅后,发现只要将尸体搅烂制成人肉沙威玛,就能神不知鬼不觉地消灭邪恶,一举两得何乐不为。
- 9.0HD中字
Andrea Fuorto,Augusto Mario Russi
简介: After spending all his life in a small village, Yuri, a naive twenty-something boy, runs away with Agostino, a kids’ entertainer living on the road in an RV. Yuri finds himself caught up in a vortex of love and dependence with Agostino. Their common dream is to go to Patagonia: a promise of freedom that turns into a mad frenzy of control and imprisonment.
- 8.0HD中字
简介: 伟大的三军队伍,是由军令如山、纪律严密和绝对服从训练而成的,尤其在战时他们有着出生入死地为国征战,为自己赢得英雄的头衔及荣誉的家族传统。伟大的飞行员波利上校性格如蛮牛,但他训练的队伍却是战争中表现最出色的部队。战争终于结束了,从西班牙战场回国的他和太太及二子二女前往南卡罗卅的军事基地任职,他对家庭的管理一如在军队般要求绝对服从,他的独断专政引起了孩子们的强烈不满。 波利与长子班的关系日益恶化,在一次篮球较量中,他以一球之差输给了儿子后勃然大怒,一向只准成功不准失败的他不得不承认自己老了。这次发火给整个家庭气氛增添了一丝阴影,但在母亲的说服下,班还是原谅了看似蛮不讲理的父亲。很快,班十八岁的生日到了。为了让儿子尽快成熟起来,波利不惜带他到酒吧,施以成人教育。甚至在班参加篮球赛时动辄就加以干扰训令,教唆儿子报复冲撞犯规的球员,最终导致班不得不离开好不容易才进入的篮球队。波利一副霸傲气的态度常使班深以为苦,时常想反抗,却没有勇气。 直到有天,父子二人之间的战争终于全面爆发。在家里女仆的恳求下,班违抗父亲的指令,擅自去救黑人好友图德,蛮牛波利知道后大发雷霆,还和妻子大吵一番。看不得母亲的受委屈的班用武力阻拦住了父亲,在家庭中的失败让波利这个战场上的长胜将军十分失落,离家出走。在母亲的要求下,班在街角找到烂醉如泥的父亲,听到他喃喃的呓语,儿子终于了解了父亲的一片苦心。父子二人重归于好,而波利也终于明白,家庭不是部队,应该给妻子和子女多一些的爱。 自从这件事发生后,波利开始重新学习如何去关心别人。就在一家人觉得生活无比幸福甜蜜时,波利的飞机发生故障,他因不愿在人多的市镇迫落而撑至跑道坠机死亡。父亲的死让班迅速地成长起来,他决心继承父亲的事业,做一名出色的飞行员。
- 4.0HD中字
Diana Bang,Victoria Bidewell,Sarah Desjardins,米娅·科施娜
简介: Fifteen years after a summer romance, destiny comes calling for two star-crossed lovers. Zoe and Luke almost shared their first kiss at Camp Pine Lake, but they were interrupted, and their teenage romance ended. Now, Luke (Barry Watson) is a philanthropic entrepreneur who recently purchased his uncle’s Camp Pine Lake for sentimental reasons, only to find out the camp may get shut down for safety code violations. Zoe (Mia Kirshner) is the point person from a firm assigned to convince the new camp owner to sell his land. When Zoe arrives , she is stunned to learn that Luke is the new owner. Everything changes for Zoe when she realizes Luke isn’t interested in making a profit, but instead wants the camp to stay open. When she's cornered by her boss, Zoe agrees to use her friendship with Luke to their advantage. Will the two be able to overcome the deception to rekindle their old flame and save their childhood retreat at the same time?
- 10.0HD中字
简介: 影片由三联式寓言故事组成: 一个走投无路的男人试图掌控自己的生活; 一个警察惊恐地发现海上失踪的妻子回来了,看起来像是变了一个人; 一个女人决意找到一个有特殊能力的人,这个人注定会成为一个伟大的精神领袖。
- 10.0HD中字
吉娜·卡拉诺,劳伦斯·福克斯,John James
简介: 电影关注美国总统儿子的生活方式和他的可耻的商业交易。 It follows the U.S. President's son in his lifestyle and his scandalous business dealings.
- 6.0HD中字
Alan Arkin,Madeline Kahn,Austin Pendleton
简介: 先进概念研究所的一堆科学家们设计了一个愚蠢的恶作剧。他们把一个人洗脑,并告诉他,他是个出生时就被遗弃的外星人。他越狱后试图改变美国文化废除所有电视信号改用高能量电视发射机,此举使其成为一个全国名人。
- 6.0HD中字
帕特里克·茂顿,莎拉德萨热,博·史文森,Kelly O'Leary
简介: In this modern day retelling of the Sinbad myth, Adrian Sinbad is a billionaire oil shipping magnate, the headstrong descendant of a long line of great mariners. When his flagship oil tanker is hijacked by Somalian pirates, Sinbad rushes to the rescue.
- 9.0HD中字
简介: A new comedy special from Adam Sandler directed by Josh Safdie (making his comedy special directorial debut), Adam Sandler: Love You premieres globally on Netflix on August 27, 2024.
- 5.0HD中字
简介: 帮助叔叔经营缝纫机店的青年茂吉(瓦伦·达瓦 Varun Dhawan 饰)乐观开朗,似乎特别乐意取悦他人。在叔叔儿子的婚礼上,茂吉嬉皮笑脸,哗众取宠,这令他的妻子玛姆塔(安努舒卡·莎玛 Anushka Sharma 饰)倍感羞耻和伤心。回到家后,玛姆塔闷闷不乐,以泪洗面,她劝丈夫利用自己裁剪方面的技能自力更生,不要屈辱求存。茂吉不愿重走裁缝爷爷昏暗的老路,可是他似乎也无法再忍受叔叔他们的戏谑。终于在一次争吵后,茂吉愤而辞职。 偏偏此时,母亲一病不起。在妻子的鼓励下,茂吉不再踌躇,他决定经营自己的裁缝摊,从一点一滴做起。一直忙于家务的夫妻二人,也借此机会贴近彼此……
- 4.0HD国语
简介: 讲述中国硬汉在12小时的极限时间内展开的异国疾速救援故事。
- 9.0HD
简介: 本故事虚构了“金宿卫”这一自古传承的国宝守护者。讲述了在民国年间,金宿卫后人前往东北保护女真族宝藏,阻止日本人夺宝,并探寻金宿卫被迫害的秘密。本片的三位主角坚定地守护国家宝藏,陆还山用自我牺牲保护好国宝免遭侵略者的掠夺,片中的披甲人从一开始被迫为日本人寻宝,到最后舍命消灭日本侵略者,体现出民族意识的觉醒,传达出了民族团结、英勇抗敌的主旋律精神。
- 8.0HD
菲利普·罗施,盖尔·加西亚·贝纳尔,贝热尼丝·贝乔,雷娜特·赖因斯夫,蒂姆·戴什,Michael Maggi,Amina Ben Ismaïl,Dami Olukoya,Kathleen Hagen,Olivia Williams,Pal Aron
简介: 在与朱丽叶·比诺什合作并入围威尼斯电影节主竞赛单元的首部长片《等待》中,皮耶罗·梅西纳就触及了死亡和悲伤的主题,而现在他要做出更进一步的探讨——爱人逝去之后,我们该如何面对别离,又要如何处理彼此之间的回忆?在他这部入围柏林国际电影节主竞赛单元的新片《另一种结局》中,男主角萨尔给出的答案是,求助于名为"另一种结局"的新技术,让女友的意识短暂复活,但这却是以另一个女人的身体为容器。在此过程中重拾的快乐或慰藉,究竟是让爱永恒了,还是逐渐消逝了呢?也许值得我们好好想想。
- 4.0HD
Mouna Hawa,Haitham Alomari,尤娜·马尔万,Salwa Nakkara,Mohammed Al Jizawi,Eslam Al-Awadi,Seleena Rababah,Siranoush Sultanian,Serene Huleileh,Mohammad Suleiman,Mona Shehabi,Areej Dababneh,Niveen Haddadeen,Ass
简介: 故事发生在约旦。丈夫突然去世后,30岁的纳瓦尔(Nawal)不得不为她的那份遗产而奋斗,来挽救她的女儿和她的家,而在这个社会中,有一个儿子才能顺利继承遗产。
- 7.0HD
简介: 艺术家加布里埃尔(比利·波特 Billy Porter 饰)和爱人尼基(卢克·伊万斯 Luke Evans 饰)已经一起生活了13年,并共同抚养八岁的儿子欧文(克里斯托弗·伍德利 Christopher Woodley 饰),在创作遭遇瓶颈时,加布里埃尔和尼基的关系也走到了无法修复的地步,他们必须面对离婚的善后工作,尤其是儿子的抚养权归属问题……
- 8.0HD
亚米·高塔姆,普丽亚玛尼,Kiran Karmarkar,Arun Govil,Vaibhav Tatwawadi,Sandeep Chatterjee,拉杰·阿晶,Ashwini Koul,Skand Sanjeev Thakur,Ashwani Kumar,Jaya Virlley,Asit Redij
简介: In the aftermath of the 2016 Kashmir unrest, a young local field agent, Zooni Haksar, is picked out by Rajeshwari Swaminathan from the Prime Minister's Office for a top-secret mission. Their aim? Cracking down on terrorism and putting an end to the billion dollar conflict economy in the valley, by doing the absolute impossible - Abrogating the notorious Article 370. That too, without spilling a single drop of innocent blood.
- 8.0HD中字
简介: 讲述在铁栏杆的对面,梦想着还有明天而疾走于越过生死之线的朝鲜士兵圭南和需要阻止他的保卫部长校贤尚展开不惜性命的逃走与追击战的故事。
- 7.0HD中字
简介: Special Features Audio Commentaries on Each Film All-New Three-Part Documentary, Sleepless Nights: Revisiting The Slumber Party Massacres Photo and Poster Still Gallery Theatrical Trailers Editorial Reviews All Three Films In One Collection With New Bonus Features When Trish (Michelle Michaels) decides to invite her high school girls basketball teammates over for a slumber party, she has no idea the night will be ruined by an escaped mental patient with a portable drill in the cult classic The Slumber Party Massacre. The only sane survivor of the first incident, Courtney (Crystal Bernard), dreams of the driller killer returning in the first sequel, Slumber Party Massacre II. She cannot help shake the feeling that she and her friends will be viciously tormented by the killer. Her nightmare becomes reality when the killer returns, reincarnated as an evil rocker with a deadly guitar. After a relaxing day at the beach, a group of teens decide to have a slumber party. Their boyfriends predictably show up to scare them, but there is something much scarier lurking in the shadows as the group starts getting attacked by an unknown killer in the second, and last, installment, Slumber Party Massacre III.
- 10.0HD中字
- 8.0HD中字
塞巴斯汀·杰森,Lars B
- 5.0HD中字
简介: 不断出现的人类互相伤害事件,让蝙蝠侠意识到背后神秘的魔法力量作祟。为探寻究竟,他联合了康斯坦丁的超自然团队。
- 5.0HD中字
阿瓦利亚娜玫瑰 珍妮弗·里斯
- 10.0HD中字
简介: A man is in radio contact with his family when their airplane is shot down. He wants those responsible and becomes a criminal to get a job as deep sea diver with those salvaging the plane's cargo.
- 5.0HD中字
Natasa Dangubic,Ines Bojanic,Stojan Matavulj,Ljubisa Savanovic
简介: Young Rinus Jongbloed, the new boss of a Croatian marketing agency which has recently changed owners and is now in the Dutch property, has organized for his employees a weekend of white-water rafting and paintball battle, with the purpose of the popular team building. During the rafting trip an incident happens, but what happens the following day will completely outshine the rafting incident. During the paintball war simulation, our heroes will face a local family determined to terminate some of them, they will meet strange hiker"s couple and they will realize that their paintball instructors have hidden agenda. As the day approaches its end, they all slowly realize that the lives of those who manage to survive will never again be the same.
- 8.0HD中字
Russell Shaw,Ryan Spong,Sarah Alexandra Marks
简介: Small town, England. 1575. William embarks on a journey to prove the innocence of his wife, Twyla, falsely accused of being a witch and will be put to death if found guilty. William must hunt down the real witch, to save Twyla from death.
- 5.0HD中字
Andrei Schwartz
- 10.0HD中字
埃里克森 法利亚阿拉姆 大卫
- 5.0HD中字
Tamer Hassan,Danny Dyer,50 Cent
简介: 放高利贷的老大要求要求有前科的尼克在24小时之内归还所有的欠款。为了达到目的,尼克不得不拉上好友一起想办法筹钱,只不过在他们能够与想到的事情里出现了更多棘手的问题。
- 8.0HD
简介: 已婚的中年农夫卡尔驾着车来到美国宾州的男同志露营胜地,找寻年轻时的心上人。周遭聚集着不少抛开世俗、忘情享受假期的男人们,卡尔能在宛如天堂的营地裡觅得那个「他」吗?
- 10.0HD
尼姆拉特·考尔,拉狄卡·马丹,Chinmay Mandlekar,Soham Majumdar,Swaraj Nagargoje
简介: When a school teacher goes missing after a risqué video of her is posted on the internet, a police officer is huo87.com tasked with uncovering the truth behind her disappearance.
- 7.0HD
简介: 讲述在铁栏杆的对面,梦想着还有明天而疾走于越过生死之线的朝鲜士兵圭南和需要阻止他的保卫部长校贤尚展开不惜性命的逃走与追击战的故事。
- 5.0HD
胡爽,安柚鑫,Jon Prasida,戴斯蒙·詹,伊莱·斯温德尔,Tiffany Wong,瑞妮·林,梅尔·贾森,罗伯·柯林斯,Scott Lee,马泰,Gabrielle Chan,萨拉·韦斯特,Joshua McElroy,Meg Clarke,Linda Hsia,Mya Wong,Belinda Jombwe,Philip Lynch,Clayton Wheeler
简介: A woman is told by a fortune teller that she will meet her soulmate on one of the next five dates she goes on.
- 6.0HD
万一民 周琪
- 10.0HD
Stephen Beavis,Cedric Gall,Graham Hughes,Paddy Kondracki,Annabel Logan,Lucy the Dog,Josie Rogers,Andy Stewart,Joma West
简介: 讲述了两位纪录片制作人决定调查一位涂鸦艺术家的失踪事件。随着调查的深入,这两位制作人遭遇到了一扇诡异的凭空出现的木门,这扇门引领他们穿梭于不同的空间,同时开启了一段黑暗的噩梦之旅。本来只是调查失踪事件的两人很快便意识到,自己陷进了超乎想象的可怕旋涡之中...
- 5.0HD中字
简介: 讲述在铁栏杆的对面,梦想着还有明天而疾走于越过生死之线的朝鲜士兵圭南和需要阻止他的保卫部长校贤尚展开不惜性命的逃走与追击战的故事。
- 7.0HD中字
- 9.0HD
简介: 林大冲、吕胖胖、柳小刀和李凡达,是大学时期舍友。毕业几年后几人都在忙着自己的生活和事业,已经很久没有见面。有一天胖胖突然找到大伙,希望能和大家再疯狂一次。一夜离奇的经历,使他们变得更加珍惜当下的生活。 影片是《麻辣隔壁》的电影版。
- 10.0HD
Olivia Taylor Dudley,Terrence 'T.C.' Carson,Arden Myrin
简介: Onyx joins a group of fellow occultists to attend a dark ritual at the mansion of their idol, Bartok. Suspecting Bartok’s nefarious intentions, Onyx is suddenly immersed in a world of monsters, mystery, and mayhem.
- 10.0HD
Alexandra Corin Johnston,Sumayyah Ameerah,尼克·泰格
简介: When a beautiful young influencer survives a mysterious shark attack, she becomes a monstrous apex predator, hunting and feeding in sunny Venice beach, California.
- 7.0DVD无字
Debbie Sheridan,Jacob Hobbs,Amber Gallaway,Semi Anthony,Maggie McNabb,Roach
简介: When Stacy's mom dies, Stacey puts her life and career on hold and returns to her childhood home to take care of her OCD agorophobic brother Ben who hasn't been out of the house for 23 years only to find out the house they grew up in harbors a disturbing secret.
- 9.0HD中字
大卫·卡拉丁 David Carradine 马克·罗斯顿 Mark Rolston Tim Abell Sarah Aldrich Irene Bedard Garret Dillahunt Billy Drago Anthony Hornus
简介: 1888年美國西部懷俄明州的土地上住著兩戶畜牧人家,富蘭克林與約翰紅鷹,他們在聖誕節前夕遭遇了一連串的困境。約翰在離家路上遇到劫難,大人們馬上出發尋找約翰,兩家的孩子也悄悄的結伴出門找爸爸。在約翰消失的期間,警察帶著驅逐令要求約翰一家搬離,與此同時富蘭克林的孫子高燒不退,孩子們也失蹤了…
- 7.0HD中字
Cameron Esposi
- 8.0HD中字
柳智英,郑俊镐,Abin Andrews
简介: Set in Los Angeles in the early 2000s, Smoking Tigers is a portrait of a lonely Korean American teen named Hayoung who is taken under the wings of three wealthy students she meets at an elite academic boot camp. As she falls deeper into their world, Hayoung works harder to hide her insecurities about her problematic family and lower-income background, only to discover the bittersweet pains of adulthood that will forever shape her life.
- 8.0HD中字
简·西摩,杰奎琳·麦根斯,斯蒂芬·亨特,可可·杰克·吉利斯,Jenna Kenney,Nicole Pastor,Mike Duncan,Michael Budd,Brendan Donoghue,Kate Ryerson,Rory Potter,Suzan Mutesi,Greg Eccleston,Isabel Macmaster,Fletcher Watson
简介: A teen girl who's forced to share her bedroom with her Grandmother, who has dementia, goes from hating her to loving her as she learns more about some family secrets..
- 9.0HD中字
简介: 警长山姆·安德森决心在宁静的松林镇抓捕一名残忍的杀手,却发现了一个令人震惊的事实——他追捕的凶残狼人可能比他想象的更近。
- 8.0HD中字
帕斯卡勒赫顿 卡万史密斯 莎