• 假偶天成 电影版



    这部电影将是一个“完整版”,浓缩了首季13集及5集特别篇,再加入了新片段制作而成。 在这个版本中,我们将在一些场景中看到更多萨拉瓦特的观点,比如他们第一次见面背后的故事,以及他为什么说:“继续那样看着我,我会吻到你倒下。” 还会有“隐藏场景”,这是为了把故事捆绑在一起而拍摄的新场景。 他们还将制作新的OST。结局会和系列不同。 The movie is gonna be a "Complete Edition" by combining 2gethe新浪聊天室怎么进r The series & Still 2gether. In this version, we will get to see more of Sarawat's point of view on some scenes, such as the story behind their first meeting and the reason why he said: "Keep looking at me like that and I will kiss till you drop." There will also be "Hidden Scene", which are the new scenes that were filmed to bind the story together. They will also make a new OST. And the end is gonna be different from the series.

  • 难忘之夜/不小心变成黑帮老大的男人



    讲述了一个黑帮老大遇到一个伤心男孩的故事 金姆需要有人拥抱他的身体一个晚上。这是唯一一个知道你真正需求是什么的夜晚。这也是唯一一个让黑帮老大“卡莫尔”不想让金姆属于任何人的夜晚。 金姆,一个25岁的上班族,已经和他的学长戴一见钟情很久了。为了忘掉他继续生活,他决定和一个在酒吧遇到的陌生人发生一夜情。他不知道的是,这个陌生人会开始喜欢他到无可挽回的地步。 卡莫尔,一个30岁的黑道,在床上有一些特殊的需求,所以他不断地更换伴侣,但没有人能够满足他。一天晚上,他遇到了金姆,金姆完美地满足了他的需求。就在这时,卡莫尔决定把这个人变成自己的,并开始追求他。~~改编自网络小说《黑手党的坏爱情》(ร้ายนักนะ...รักของมาเฟีย!!) Kim needed someone to embrace his body for just one night. It's the only night to know what your true needs are. And it was the only night that made the mafia "Kamol" not want to let Kim belong to anyone Kim, a 25 year old office worker, has been in one sided love with his senior, Day, for a a long time. To forget about him and move on, he decides to have one night stand with a random stranger he met at the bar. Wh宝贝腿打开我进不去at he didn't know was the stranger would start liking him to the point of no return. Kamol, a 30 year old mafia, has some special needs in bed and so he keeps switching partners but no one is able to satisfy him. One night he meets Kim, who perfectly meets his needs. Right at that moment, Kamol decided to make the man his own and starts pursuing him. ~~ Adapted from the web novel "Mafia's Bad Love" (ร้ายนักนะ...รักของมาเฟีย!!) by Yoe Nim (ยอนิม). Edit Translation

  • 鬼布传说


    一千年前在布利,朝朗让斯曼安排一场纺织比赛来挑选妻子,他朝朗登上王位。在展示纺织品的那一天,Nakhon Pha Ngam的Anyanang Homnuan就在纺织完成之前被勒死。凶手留下的只是她喉咙周围的丝痕。一千年后,鬼迷阿奇是头一个在线捉鬼项目。他邀请了一群朋友杨在,班班和朱尼尔到清迈制作这部剧。他对他的曾祖母撒谎说他只是来参观的,但她对此表示怀疑,并警告他不要进入储藏室。然而,她的话产生了相反的效果,阿奇走进房间,在那里他发现了一小块古老的布。当他与它接触时,Anyanang Homnuan的灵魂出现了,并告诉他,触摸这块布的人必须在最近中文字幕2019高清三天内找到杀害她的凶手,否则就会灭亡。阿奇和他的朋友们必须一起解决这个问题,以挽救他的生命。 One thousand years ago in Wiang Chai Chet Buri, Chao Luang Rangsiman arranges a weaving competition to select a wife, his Chao Nang Luang on the throne. On the day the textiles are to be presented, Anyanang Homnuan of Nakhon Pha Ngam is strangled to death just before the weaving is finished. All the killer left behind was the silk mark around her throat. One thousand years later, ghost-enthusiast Achi is head of an online ghost-hunting program. He invites a team of friends Young远征军电影 Jae, Bambam, and Junior to Chiang Mai to make the show. He lies to his great-grandmother that he's come just for a visit, but she's doubtful and warns him not to enter the storage room. Her words have the opposite of their intended effect, though, and Achi enters the room where he finds a small, ancient bit of cloth. When he makes contact with it, the spirit of Anyanang Homnuan emerges and tells him that those who touch the cloth must find her killer within th人间大炮ree days or perish. Achi and his friends must come together to solve the quest in order to save his life.

  • 曼谷之恋



    《曼谷之恋》是泰国第一部于影院上映的同性恋电影,并同时作为2007年11月22日-12月2日在香港举办的同志影展第18年的开幕影片。 云(Rattanabalang Toesawad 饰)是百变大咖秀20120920个冷酷无情的杀手,除了妈妈与唯一的弟弟雾以杀人为目标过日子的他,从没奢望过任何感情,也从来没爱过谁。他的暗杀目标石(Chaiwa11度青春之老男孩t Thongsang 饰)是一个富有又英俊的警察,生活舒适还有个美丽的女朋友,看似美满的生活仍让他觉得生命中好像缺了一样很重要的东西。本来该杀了石的云,不知为何却下不了手,反而让两人都成了黑道追杀的目标。躲避的过程中,云淘词为了保护石而受了重伤,在石细心的照顾下渐渐复原,而超越友谊的情愫也在两人心中滋长。面对这份陌生的同性之爱,犹豫不已的云选择了逃避,而热情执著的石坚守这自己的感情。最终他们会如何面对自己心中的情感?

  • 魔虫禁区



    "The One Hundred" tells the story of a young woman who has just returned from a foreign country. She has to stay at a hotel to quarantine, but then suddenly comes across a monster th最好的我们 小说at can change its shape in a variety of ways, according to the individual that this monster possesses. The concept of the story was in金玉良缘spired by the story of Battambang which was told during the reign of King Rama V.

  • 父亲的菜单



      A popular cooking show organizes a conte女主播夏娃qvodst to find the best "My Father's Menu&国色天香免费高清在线观看;quot;. Three chefs enter the competition, and their search for the recipes is 一路向西全集intertwined with their personal dramas.  freefilm picture co.,ltd.

  • 假偶天成电影版



      这部电影将是一个“完整版”,浓缩了首季13集及5集特别篇,再加入了新片段制作而成。  在这个版本中,我们将在一些场景中看到更多萨拉瓦特的观点,比如他们第一次见面背后的故事,以及他为什么说:“继续那样看着我,我会吻到你倒下。”  还会有“隐藏场景”,这是为了把故事捆绑67194成l人在线观看线路1在一起而拍摄的新场景。  他们还将制作新的OST。结局会和系列不同。  The movie is gonna be a "Complete Edition" by combining 2gether The series & Still 2gether.  In this version, we will get to see more of Sarawat's point of view on some scenes, such as the story behind their first meeting and the reason why he said: "Keep looking at me like that and I will kiss till you drop."  There will also be "Hidden Scene", which are the new scenes that were filmed to bind the story together.  They will also make a new OST. And the end is gonna be different from the series.

  • 换妆游戏




  • 冻结的希望



      2014年,一名2岁的泰国女孩Einz被诊断为脑癌,经过十余次的手术治疗莽荒纪顶点却仍无法挽救这年轻的小生命,Einz的父母均为医疗工程博士,他们决定在女儿离世后对其身体组织进行冷冻,她的遗体被保存在美国亚利桑那州的一个实验室中,他们希望未来的科技可将她复活。本片跟随拍摄了Einz 的家庭——她的父亲、母亲及哥哥是如何作出这个不寻常的决定的,这一举动也遭到了泰国甚至世界人生若只如初见 txt范围的讨论,但是Einz父亲还是希望给女儿留下这个生存的机会,而Einz哥哥也因妹妹的离别受到触动,投身于科学学习,希望在未来这项新兴的冷冻技术会有更深入的研究成果。

  • 深夜的红酒



      《深夜的红酒》又名《คืนนั้น Red wi校花小柔舞蹈室遭遇记小说ne in the dark Night》,泰国首部同志新概念全男星阵容电影已于近日正式开机日本后式入动态图并举行媒体见面会,该片演员阵容空前,被粉丝们戏称为有史以来最大规模的"gay片群星大集结"。







