• 屁破多和他的坑爹伙伴们第一季



      Peepoodo & the Super Fuck Friends is a French animated series by Balak (co-creator of Les Kassos and Last Man) for the Blackpills app that parodies children's programmes in a hilariously NSFW way. Its main cast are Funny Animal characters who constantly have their junk hanging out, and every episode has another extremely sexual topic. You may need a shower after watching, that's for sure.  The first season was first released July 16, 2018 in French, and spanned 18 episodes. The English dub was released May 2, 2019 on the official website, and plans for a possible second season have been discussed

  • 屁破多和他的坑爹伙伴们第二季




  • 龙之心4:心火之战



      巨龙Drago(帕特里克·斯图尔特配音)曾与Gareth国王结合。 国王死后,他的潜在继承人双胞胎孙辈相互争夺王位。 当Drago的力量源强 “心火” 被盗时,国家危在旦夕......

  • 加州圣诞:旧金山的灯光




  • 爱情四边形




  • 琳达与艾比利尼



      In the 19th century, siblings Abilene and Tod, orphaned on their western farm, become attracted to each other, sexually. The confused Tod fleas to a nearby town where he meets Linda, a local bar girl, and begins a sexual relationship with her, while a rough cowboy, named Rawhide, sexually assaults Abilene leading Tod wanting revenge despite Linda's wariness and growing compassion for Abilene.

  • 欲望的果实



      Two teenage friends conspire to find out how much their youthful sensuality can disrupt one of their households, headed by a dentist and his mentally-ill wife.

  • 淘金记



      流浪汉查理(查理·卓别林 Charlie Chaplin 饰)随队伍来到阿拉斯加淘金。他在一间小木屋里碰见了通缉犯拉逊,接着淘金人吉姆也闯进来,并抢走了拉逊的枪。拉逊出去找食物时发现了吉姆正在开发的金矿,于是他没回木屋。小木屋里,饥肠辘辘的查理煮了皮鞋充饥,饿的神智恍惚的吉姆却把查理想象成火鸡追杀。突然,一头熊撞进来,两人一起把熊打死,饱餐之后分道扬镳。吉姆发现了拉逊占了自己的金矿坑,拉逊将他打昏,不料却在逃跑时掉下深谷。  查理在小镇邂逅舞女乔治亚(乔治亚·黑尔 Georgia Hale 饰),帮她摆脱暴发户的骚扰。第二次又巧遇她时,查理邀她除夕共餐,但是乔治亚爽约了,失落的查理只能在幻梦中为她表演舞蹈。被打成失忆的吉姆在镇上重遇查理,他请查理帮他一起找金矿。两人回到小木屋,却被大风雪吹落下了万丈深渊。醒来时他们惊喜地发现金矿正在身边。查理与吉姆淘金成功,在回乡的船上遇见困顿的乔治亚。在新闻记者的镜头前,查理与乔治亚亲密拥抱。

  • 莲花仙子



      he wealthiest man in the world, John P. Merrick, is a private person who likes to stay anonymous. One of his many assets, and a minor one at that, is Neeley's Department Store. There is labor unrest at the store, most of the employees' anger directed at Merrick, who they hang in effigy outside the store despite not knowing what he looks like. Merrick, not happy at what he sees going on, decides to go undercover working at the store to mete out the rabble-rousers. Undercover as Thomas Higgins, Merrick gets assigned as a sales clerk in the shoe department, where he is taken under the caring wing of his colleague Mary Jones, who sees in Higgins a poor man needing the guidance of friends. One of those other friends is Elizabeth Ellis, who Mary sees as a possible "Mrs. Higgins". Mary's boyfriend is Joe O'Brien, the chief organizer of the employees, four hundred of whom are following Joe in the charge against the store and Merrick. At the store, Merrick not only wants the list of the four hundred, but also wants to change those things he doesn't like at the store, chief amongst those being his shoe department section manager, Mr. Hooper. But as Higgins, Merrick also begins to see things a little differently, specifically from an employee's point of view.

  • 召唤之物



      Two high profile couples are forced to examine the cost of success when they're invited to an exclusive self-help retreat where their ancestors sold their souls generations prior.

  • 眼泪之盐



      卢克(洛根·安托弗莫 Logann Antuofermo 饰)是一名出身平凡的小镇青年,他只身一人前往巴黎求学,在那里邂逅了名为杰米拉(欧莱雅·阿玛拉 Oulaya Amamra 饰)的美丽女子,两人之间很快就发展出了一段浪漫的关系。实际上,卢克在老家有一个交往多年的女 友让娜(路易丝·舍维约特 Louise Chevillotte 饰),当卢克返回老家后,他和杰米拉渐渐疏远了,反倒是和让娜旧情重燃,不仅如此,让娜的腹中还怀上了他的骨肉。  一封录取通知书的到来意味着卢克必须离开让娜,返回巴黎继续深造,他抛弃了让娜,并且和一个名叫贝茜(Souheila Yacoub 饰)的女孩走进了一段新的关系中。被抛弃的杰米拉将整件事情都告诉了卢克的父亲(安德烈·维尔姆斯 André Wilms 饰),与此同时,卢克发现贝茜不是一个省油的灯。

  • 五福临门




  • 战争的呼唤



      1942年,第二次世界大战,日本进攻珍珠港后,美国着手准备大规模的登陆作战。 美国海军处于人员不足,  装备不齐的不利状态,全国各地的青年群起响应号召纷纷参加了部队。政治和战争让这些不同的人走到了一起  。他们被送到圣地亚哥的海军训练基地接受训练。就是这样一群人,在经历了血与火、生与死的战场洗礼后,  终于团结成一个勇往直前的集体。战胜一个又一个困难,从胜利走向胜利。

  • 成为伊丽莎白第一季



      本剧将刻画伊丽莎白一世的早年人生,聚焦年轻的孤女伊丽莎白·都铎,在走向王位的过程中,卷入了英国宫廷权力和性别政治的斗争中。  亨利八世去世后,他九岁的儿子爱德华登上王位,由此引发了一场危险的权力争夺战。伊丽莎白、爱德华,以及他们的姐姐玛丽发现,在英格兰大家族和试图夺取英国掌控权的欧洲列强的这场博弈中,三人成了棋子。

  • 最后的受害者



      The Last Victim is a Neo Western thriller set in the American southwest, following Sheriff Hickey trying to solve the worst case he has seen in his small town, likely caused by a violent local gang led by a fearsome criminal.

  • 贵妇失踪记



      正要赶往伦敦完婚的凯莉(Margaret Lockwood)因雪崩被困在山下的小旅馆里,偶遇摄影记者康德(Michael Redgrave),两个人因小事发生争执,第二天大家各自赶路,却登上了同一列火车。  在车上凯莉与一名老妇人佛洛伊(Dame May Whitty)结伴,彼此照料。然而凯莉因头部被撞,恍惚中沉沉睡去,待她醒来,老妇人不见了。四处寻找佛洛伊,却不见她的踪影,凯莉只好报警。出乎意料的是同车厢的每个人都说没见过什么老妇人,陷入困惑的凯莉再次遇到康德。康德相信凯莉,也感到事有蹊跷,两人渐渐和好,一起展开了调查。

  • 求助!我把父母变小了




  • 镭射兄弟激战外星人




  • 正义公堂



      27年前,孟买毒品泛滥,毒品贩子哈里·乔普拉甚至纵火烧死博里瓦里17名警察,致使警察地位一落千丈。  中央为了重振警界形象,派个人能力极强且暴躁的阿迪亚·阿鲁萨兰担任孟买警察专员。阿迪亚上任后,重拳整顿警察队伍,对黑恶势力、拐卖妇女儿童重拳打击。在逮捕毒品实际控制人、孟买大商贩维诺德·马霍拉之子后,大商贩收买他人入监狱定罪。阿迪亚巧计让泰国警方逮捕商贩之子,同时迫使商贩杀死儿子。  其实,儿子不是维诺德的亲儿子,而是毒贩哈里的儿子。于是哈里开始报复,杀死维诺德,撞翻阿迪亚汽车致艾迪亚女儿瓦丽死亡。阿迪亚找不到对手,疯狂报复,杀死多人,人权署官员报告上级,法官建议停止阿迪亚的警察专员职务,阿迪亚向法官证明符合警察职业获得认可。  阿迪亚终于确定对手哈里的身份,哈里也用经济手段鼓动手下疯狂杀害孟买警察,一时孟买警界人心惶惶。阿迪亚反其道而行之,到监狱以获得减刑为条件让犯人提供线索,终于找到哈里。结果,哈里跑到了当年烧死17名警察的遗址,并打电话给阿迪亚,两人开展最后的对决。

  • 呼朋引伴




  • 天使与魔鬼



      Wounded and on the run, notorious gunman Quirt Evans (John Wayne) gallops onto a farm owned by Quaker Thomas Worth (John Halloran) and his family and collapses. When Quirt urgently insists upon sending a telegram, Thomas and his daughter Penelope (Gail Russell) drive him into town in their wagon. After wiring a claim to the land recorder's office, Quirt kisses Penny and then passes out. Ignoring the doctor's advice to rid themselves of the gunman, the compassionate Worth family tends to the delirious Quirt, and Penny becomes intrigued by his ravings of past loves.  Quirt recovering under the care of the two women (from left to right: Rich, Russell, and Wayne)  Days later, when Quirt regains consciousness, Penny patiently explains the family's belief in non-violence. Three weeks later, Laredo Stevens (Bruce Cabot) and Hondo Jeffries (Louis Faust) ride into town looking for Quirt. When Penny's younger brother Johnny (Stephen Grant) rushes home to inform Quirt of his visitors, Quirt quickly prepares to flee. Penny, now smitten with Quirt, offers to run off with him. At the sound of approaching horses, Quirt grabs his gun and discovers that it has been emptied. Training his gun on the doorway, Quirt calmly greets Hondo and Laredo. Thinking that Quirt has the upper hand, Laredo offers to buy his claim. When Quirt sets the price at $20,000, Laredo hands over $5,000 in gold and challenges him to come for the balance when he is able – if he has the nerve.  Afterward, Quirt saddles his horse, but when Penny begs him to stay, he changes his mind. Later, Quirt learns that cantankerous rancher Frederick Carson (Paul Hurst) has dammed up the stream that runs through the valley, thus draining the Worths' irrigation ditches. Quirt intimidates Carson into opening the dam.  One Sunday, Penny asks Quirt to join the family for a ride. Before they leave, Marshal Wistful McClintock (Harry Carey) comes to question Quirt about a stagecoach robbery. The family swears that Quirt was with them at the time. The marshal then asks Quirt why he resigned as Wyatt Earp's deputy, sold his ranch and crossed over to the wrong side of the law soon after cattleman Walt Ennis was gunned down in a saloon brawl. When Quirt refuses to answer, the marshal leaves. Penny then begs Quirt to steer clear of Laredo, and he acquiesces because of his love for her.  As Quirt and the Worths ride to the Quaker gathering, Quirt's erstwhile sidekick, Randy McCall (Lee Dixon), tags along. Randy tells Quirt that Laredo plans to rustle a herd of cattle and suggests that they then steal the herd from Laredo and let him take the blame. Mr. Worth gives Quirt a Bible for ending the feud with Carson. Fearing that he will never be able to live up to Penny's expectations, Quirt abruptly leaves with Randy.  Quirt and Randy steal the herd from the original rustlers. They then celebrate with showgirls Lila Neal (Joan Barton) and Christine Taylor (Rosemary Bertrand). When Lila, sensing a change in her old flame, teases Quirt about his Bible, Quirt becomes angry and rides back to the Worth farm. Overjoyed, Penny throws her arms around him, just as the marshal arrives to question Quirt about the rustling. Quirt states that Lila can provide him with an alibi. Penny is hurt that Quirt was with his old flame, who she heard him talk about in his delirium, thinking Quirt prefers Lila's fair hair. Quirt realizes the depth of his feelings for Penny, and they kiss hungrily in the barn, while the camera fades.  The marshal warns Quirt that he is the wrong man for Penny. Quirt decides to propose to her anyway. Instead of replying, Penny invites Quirt to join her picking blackberries. Quirt answers Penny's questions about his early life. Kindly Walt Ennis raised him after his parents were massacred by Indians. Then Ennis was murdered.  Quirt and Penny are ambushed and chased by Laredo and Hondo on their way home. Their wagon plunges over a cliff into the river, causing Penny to develop a dangerous fever. When the doctor informs Quirt that there is no hope for her, Quirt straps on his pistol and rides into town to exact revenge. After Quirt leaves, Penny's fever suddenly breaks.  In town, Quirt sends Bradley to tell Laredo and Hondo he is waiting for them in the street. Penny and her family arrive. She gets Quirt to surrender his gun to her. As Laredo and Hondo draw their guns, Marshal McClintock shoots them both. Quirt rides off in the wagon with Penny. The marshal picks up Quirt's discarded weapon. Bradley comments that Quirt may need the weapon, to which the marshal says, "Only a man who carries a gun ever needs one." And, the film fades to black.

  • 恶魔的尾巴



      A young nurse begins her shift at an old city hospital. After a strange apparition one of the oldest nurse tells her that a patient, Mr. Moore, entered the hospital a few years ago. His body was completely burned after a fire. Mr. Moore was operated urgently by the doctors. But no one wanted to assist him. The pain and drugs had driven him mad - One night one of the nurses went to his room but his bed was empty. Nothing was heard from him anymore. A bell interrupts the story. The call comes from Mr. Moore's room.

  • 人来蜂第一季




  • 带奥马尔回家




  • 皇后归来第一季




  • 灵魂停留



      Two couples rent a secluded house for a weekend getaway, and encounter an odd caretaker while facing a dangerous secret.

  • 黑白世界




  • 小行星大末日



      A global scientific summit debates and fails on a plan to stop a massive asteroid heading straight for Earth, with all countries blaming each other for the impeding disaster. With communications tense, the daughter of a tech billionaire assembles her own team of specialists to try to destroy the asteroid before it is too late.

  • 殖民地



      Set in the distant future, a female astronaut, shipwrecked on the long-decimated Earth, must decide the fate of the wasteland's remaining populace.

  • 致命吸引



      Ruby Asher is a widow who seduces and murders wealthy politician Nicholas Landon. His vengeful daughter soon hatches a scheme to bring Ruby to justice before she can strike again.







